Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thingskilling: Rant I


SANS PIZZA, 21, is curled up on an office chair facing two large computer screens, typing away. The bags under her eyes symbolize exhaustion, her  dark brown hair is tied messily on top of her head. She looks casual, the left leg of her sweatpants reads "SYRACUSE". The distant sound of claws SCRAPING against hardwood flooring can be heard as STELLA, the 8 year old spotted pit bull, climbs the stairs behind Sans Pizza.

It's that time of year again. The time of year where it gets dark real fast and it's hard to get out of bed because the idea of letting any air touch your body that's been outside of your comforter sends an electric shock of chills down your spine.

Yeah, you know, that time.

This is the time where typically my exercise routine falls apart, everything between Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Years is justified with, "Well, I can eat 4 pumpkin pies in one sitting because, I'll just start over once [insert upcoming holiday] is over."

Self-sabotage and torture aren't worth even that first slice of pumpkin pie, ain't goin' lie.

I've already managed to trip and fall and slide down this slippery winter slope. Halloween started it.


I'd like to acknowledge that I am imperfect and that I make mistakes and am constantly surrounded by temptation, and that it's okay.

The upcoming short documentary, "Prehisteria", has inspired me to suck less. A 5-7 minute documentary on the Paleolithic Lifestyle and how to do it as a 20-something in college. The title of the documentary predates the title of this blog/was the inspiration for the title of this blog.

In the next few days, you best be looking forward to a Very Paleo Pumpkin Pie (gluten-free/dairy-free/grain-free) recipe accompanied by some food pornography as well as some inspiring quotes from an interview with a Jacked Cavewoman.

that pumpkin preview, though

Other Things:

--> Currently working on applying to study abroad in Florence over the summer. This will involve taking several food/photography/lighting related courses and possibly an internship with a winery. 
--> Upcoming indoor triathlon, do it, PU$$Y.
--> Pittsburgh, PA and reasons I don't want to be there.
--> Trying to get department's permission to take a 1 credit swimming course next semester.
--> NECTC Nationals in April, and the money/body I need to do it.

See Also: "abnormal sleeping patterns", "thankskilling break", "crossfit membership"

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